02. collective intelligences


The seminar consisted of three sassion theoretical lectures culminating on a practical game application of the concept of commoning as a dynamic and collaborative practice for resource management. The core concept of collective intelligences developed around communities. Specifically communities of practice and the relevance of a horizontal, non hierarchical approach to resource management be that resource time, founding, materials, natural resources, knowledge, skills, etc.

From a personal perspective regarding the project being developed in the studio seminar of the master, the idea of “tapping into the collective intelligence and situated knowledge for design processes” articulates a conceptual frame needed in order to continue the research into local communities from a first person perspective approach. This seminar proved to be useful in providing the mental framework, tools and appropriate references to help the designer to find his place in the research. A question that was introduced into the development of the project by the research after reviewers’ feedback at the first Design Dialogs event of the program.


The first design studio intervention for the second term consisted in a first approach to a specific neighborhood community with the goal to immerse into the local context and understand the different dynamics between the diverse groups of the set community. This was achieved by getting in touch with an association working in the area for more than 10 years and actively participating in different communal events organized by the neighbors through this entity.

For this first approach, several elements from this seminar were taken into account, but a specific set of values were particularly relevant in helping understand the way these dynamics are developed. The four core values of a horizontally managed community

1. open source mentalities
2. collaborative making practices
3. regenerative design principles
4. ecosystemic approaches

These values were not only partially recognized within the community´s practice, but also gave the opportunity to think of the potential of collaborating with organized neighborhood groups through collective activities.
